Make a difference in the advancement of the field of horticultural therapy by joining the American Horticultural Therapy Association. There is strength in numbers and as we increase our membership, our voice becomes stronger.
Membership in a professional membership organization is a privilege which comes with responsibilities to the organization and the profession. When becoming a member, one is agreeing to support the professional mission of the organization, to act in good faith towards its goals and values, and avoid any conduct that directly or indirectly contradicts or undermines the organization’s mission and professional standards.
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What Level of Membership are You?To accommodate the needs of a varied membership base, AHTA now offers seven membership categories: Professional, Associate I, Associate II, Student, Retired Professional, Organizational, and Affiliate. The following outlines membership qualifications and benefits. All amounts are in U.S. dollars and memberships are effective for one year from the date you join. Membership Dues are voluntary and non-refundable. |
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Renew Your Membership
Professional Membership (includes a $75 credential fee) | $250 |
Associate Level 1 Membership | $175 |
Associate Level 2 Membership, Year 2 | $130 |
Associate Level 2 Membership, Year 1 | $80 |
Student Membership | $65 |
Retired Professional Member | $65 |
Affiliate Membership | $250 |
Organizational Membership | $400 |
Professional Membership (HTR, HTM, & HTA only): Open to members who have fulfilled requirements for AHTA professional registration. Professional members are required to renew annually at the professional level to maintain their professional registration. Annual Dues: $250 (includes a $75 credential fee). After three (3) months of a lapsed membership, a reinstatement fee ($75) in addition to their annual membership dues is applied to be reinstated. After two (2) years of a lapsed membership, a registrant will be required to reapply for registration status. ($75 reinstatement fee is currently waived until December 31, 2024.)
Membership includes:
- Access to online Members-Only resources including research materials, job postings, and more
- Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture (published 2x yearly) and AHTA Magazine (published 3x yearly)
- Receive AHTA email updates
- Discounted registration fees for the AHTA Annual Conference
- Qualify for GEICO Insurance Programs
- Access to searchable Members Directory
- Vote in AHTA elections and/or hold office
Associate Level 1 Membership: Open to all individuals not professionally registered with the AHTA. Annual Dues: $175
Membership includes:
- Access to online Members-Only resources including research materials, job postings, and more
- Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture (published 2x yearly) and AHTA Magazine (published 3x yearly)
- Receive AHTA email updates
- Discounted registration fees for the AHTA Annual Conference
- Qualify for GEICO Insurance Programs
- Access to searchable Members Directory
- Vote in AHTA elections and/or hold office
Associate Level 2 Membership (First Year and Second Year): Associate Level 2 is open to those individuals seeking professional registration. This membership level is designed to encourage and engage members at the beginning of their training and/or education in horticultural therapy. Members receive the same benefits as Associate Level 1 members, but may not vote or hold office. Annual dues are graduated over three years: first year $80; second year $130; third year (Associate Level 1) $175. To be eligible for this category, Associate Level 2 members are required to be involved in one or more of the following:
- Currently enrolled in an AHTA accredited horticultural therapy certificate program OR
- Be attending classes part-time to meet AHTA professional registration requirements OR
- Have initiated a horticultural therapy internship with an AHTA-approved supervisor, to be completed within the next 2 years.
Documentation will be required first and second years to verify eligibility (an unofficial college transcript, proof of enrollment in an HT certificate program, or a letter from an approved internship supervisor). Reduced rates for first and second years are available only once and must be used in two consecutive years.
Individuals seeking to apply for professional registration as an Associate Level 2 member may apply during the third year of membership at this level.
Individuals seeking to apply for professional registration within one year are encouraged to join at the Associate Level 1 membership.
Student Membership: Open to full-time undergraduate students who are enrolled in 12 credits in a university or college degree program or to graduate students enrolled in 9 credits (any curriculum). Members must document current full-time enrollment by providing proof of status to AHTA before membership can be confirmed. Students should include a letter from a faculty advisor or a copy of a current unofficial transcript documenting full-time student status during the application process. Annual dues: $65
Membership includes:
- Access to online Members-Only resources including research materials, job postings, and more
- Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture (published 2x yearly) and the AHTA Magazine (published 3x yearly)
- Receive AHTA email updates
- Discounted registration fees for the AHTA Annual Conference
- Qualify for GEICO Insurance Programs
- Access to searchable Members Directory
Retired Professional Membership: Open to all Professional Members 62 years and older who have retired from the active practice of HT. Member must provide proof of status to AHTA at the time of application before membership can be confirmed. Annual Dues: $65
Membership includes:
- All benefits afforded to Professional Members
Organizational Membership: Open to healthcare organizations, educational institutions, and foundations. Organizational members must designate a single point of contact at the time of application to receive membership benefits. Annual dues: $400
Membership includes:
- Access to online Members-Only resources including research materials, job postings, and more
- Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture (published 2x yearly) and the AHTA Magazine (published 3x yearly)
- Opportunity to submit an article describing your organization for the AHTA Magazine
- Receive AHTA email updates
- Qualify for GEICO Insurance Programs
- One discounted registration fee for the AHTA Annual Conference
- Exhibit space for one tabletop informational display board at the AHTA Annual Conference
- Opportunity to include information in the onsite registration packets at the Annual Conference
- One quarter-page ad in the AHTA Annual Conference program
- Access to searchable Members Directory
- *AHTA Accredited Certificate Programs additional benefits - Listing of your program course schedule on the AHTA Education web page, updated twice yearly
Affiliate Membership: Open to nonprofit organizations, businesses, and other organized groups. Affiliate members must designate a single point of contact at the time of application to receive membership benefits. Annual dues: $250
Membership includes:
- Access to the online Members Only resources including research materials, job postings, and more
- Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture (published 2x yearly) and the AHTA Magazine (published 3x yearly)
- Opportunity to submit an article describing your organization/business for the AHTA Magazine
- Opportunity to highlight a product or service on the AHTA website twice a year
- Receive AHTA email updates
- Qualify for GEICO Insurance Programs
- One discounted registration fee for the AHTA Annual Conference
- Opportunity to include information in the onsite registration packets at the Annual Conference
- Access to searchable Members Directory