Become an Accredited Certificate Program with the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA)Horticultural therapy certificate programs are college-credit instructional programs designed to provide a foundation in the theory and application of horticultural therapy for diverse populations. In accrediting these programs, the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA) assures that the program meets nationally-endorsed standards in the profession, and meets the horticultural therapy requirements for the AHTA’s voluntary professional registration program. Certificate programs are required to meet the specific criteria as defined by AHTA in these policies and procedures. Accreditation further assures that the program achieves designated outcomes for the institutions as well as AHTA’s educational requirements and is consistent with their respective goals and objectives. In accrediting a certificate program, AHTA recognizes horticultural therapy coursework taught by a registered horticultural therapist (HTR) with a minimum of three years of professional workplace experience in the field of horticultural therapy. Application for a New Program
Current Certificate Programs Renewal or Program Updates
*Note that graduates of certificate programs are not ‘certified’ horticultural therapists. They receive a certificate of completion of horticultural therapy coursework which, if accompanied by the affiliated college or university transcript, will be required should they pursue professional registration with AHTA. Program & Course ListingsAHTA accredited horticultural therapy course schedules including course dates and names |