Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture Author Guidelines

You are invited to submit manuscripts for consideration for publication in the Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture. Manuscripts may include research projects, case studies, program and services descriptions, therapeutic practice descriptions, therapeutic horticulture philosophies, therapeutic design project descriptions, relevant book reviews, and other related topics

Submit to Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture

Manuscripts should be submitted to one of the following sections:

Includes manuscripts of research reports and case studies that contain research components such as a research question, objective, literature review, data collection, analysis, results, and conclusion.

Practice Forum
Includes manuscripts describing horticultural therapy and related programs, case reports, teaching techniques and tools, and other related items.

Therapeutic Landscape and Garden Design
Includes manuscripts on the design, history, and/or theory of gardens and other landscapes as they relate to the field of horticultural therapy.

Issues in the Profession
Includes manuscripts on such topics as education and training, professional or organizational issues, legislative issues, or other related areas.

Horticultural Therapy and the Community
Includes manuscripts on the interaction of horticultural therapy issues and the community at large.

Upon Reflection
Includes thoughts on the more philosophical, reflective and/or spiritual aspects of therapeutic horticulture.

Book Reviews
Includes the review of books relevant to the profession of horticultural therapy.

JTH has moved to an Open Access model, which means greater exposure and access. Articles are indexed on Google Scholar. Article submissions are charged US $10 upon submission. Once accepted for publication, there is an Article Processing Charge (APC) of US$300 for non-members. AHTA members in good standing are not assessed this fee, and publication is free as a benefit of membership.

Manuscript submissions to the JTH should be submitted through the scholastic link below. Manuscripts must represent original material that has not been previously published or that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. In addition, authors are required to submit an abstract of the manuscript and a brief biography. If the author does not have mastery of the English language, the manuscript must be professionally translated before being submitted.

Authors are asked to follow AHTA’s published definitions when describing horticultural therapy and related programs in their manuscripts (see below). References should follow the author- date format. The authority for style is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. For more information on style and formatting, please contact the editor-in-chief.

Manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating that the work is intended for publication and to which section it is being submitted. Graphics and photographic images are acceptable and encouraged if relevant; please refer to the APA rules for formatting tables and figures. Please include conflict of interest and author contribution statements. Authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication in the JTH will be required to submit a rights assignment form. Manuscripts accepted for publication will undergo an editing process and be forwarded to the author for final clearance before publication.

The editorial board will consider quality, practicality, and relevance to the profession of horticultural therapy.

Submit cover letter introducing manuscript and intended section of Journal, abstract, manuscript, and brief biography through website link.

Submit to Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture

Further questions can be directed to:

Matthew Wichrowski, HTR

© 2015 American Horticultural Therapy Association AUTHOR GUIDELINES