AHTA Internship HandbookAn Internship is a required component of the Professional Registration application. Guidelines for choosing/completing your internship can be found below or visit the Professional Registration page for more information about policies and procedures. A convenient PDF version of the Internship Handbook is available for viewing and downloading here.
I. Statement of Purpose and GoalsThe Horticultural Therapy Internship is designed to provide a background in the theory and application of horticultural therapy as a treatment modality for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. The internship is an opportunity for the intern to serve in the role of clinician, educator, and technician gaining experience in both the therapeutic and horticultural aspects of the professional horticultural therapist. These guidelines provide a definition of the role and responsibilities of the intern and the supervisor, identify the requirements of the internship, and outline the structure of the internship conducted in the horticultural therapy setting. Forms necessary to complete the internship are included in Section VI. Goals:
II. PoliciesA. Supervisor RequirementsHorticultural therapy interns must be directly supervised by a registered horticultural therapist at the HTR or HTM level. The intern supervisor is required to:
It is the responsibility of the student to establish that the supervisor is listed on the AHTA Intern Supervisor Registry and that the internship site meets the requirements established by the AHTA. A prospective internship supervisor who is professionally registered as a horticultural therapist in another country will be considered upon request to AHTA. B. Site SelectionIt is the responsibility of the student to research a potential internship site, to contact the horticultural therapy intern supervisor. It is the intern’s responsibility to arrange a site visit and interview, and follow through on placement. The American Horticultural Therapy Association recommends that an internship take place at one site with one supervisor. An internship may take place at up to two sites and an intern may be supervised by up to two supervisors over the course of the internship. If an internship is associated with a public garden and/or outreach program where the horticultural therapy programming takes place off-site, the public garden and/or outreach program is considered the primary site. The primary site must meet all criteria listed under Section III.A. C. Internship ApplicationInternships supervised on-site and off-site.AHTA Internship Application with On-site/Off-site Supervision serves as documentation of the internship and site for both an on-site internship and for an internship supervised by an off-site supervisor. Internships supervised off-siteIf the internship is supervised by and off-site supervisor, it is the responsibility of the student to identify an on-site professional as a contact and provide the intern supervisor with the point of contact information. Internships supervised onlineInternships with online supervision must be pre-approved by AHTA. Students who meet the eligibility criteria for online supervision are required to complete the AHTA Internship Application with Online Supervision and submit the completed application to AHTA for approval prior to beginning the internship. The AHTA Internship Application with Online Supervision and instructions are available in the Professional Registrations/Internships Section of the AHTA website. The student eligibility criteria are identified in Section II.G. The internship site must meet all AHTA standards and requirements and have a credentialed healthcare professional designated as an approved on-site coordinator who will serve as the liaison between the intern and the AHTA internship supervisor. D. Pre-requisite RequirementOn-site supervision.A student is required to complete the Introduction to Horticultural Therapy course and an additional required horticultural therapy course, a total of 6 semester credits, prior to beginning an internship. Off-site supervision.A student must have completed 9 semester credits in horticultural therapy before starting the internship experience. Online supervision.A student must have completed all 12 plant science credits, 12 human science credits, and 9 horticultural therapy credits, the equivalent of 32 semester credit hours. E. Duration and Hours of InternshipThe duration of an internship is 480 hours. Once an internship begins it must be completed within a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 2 years totaling 480 hours. Within the required 480 hours, at least 60% of intern hours must be in direct client services, and up to 40% may be a combination of both non-direct client and horticulture services. It is recommended that students keep track of their internship hours over the duration of their internship to complete the Documentation of Hours once the internship is concluded. A suggested guideline is: 60% direct client services Recognizing that sites offer different opportunities, hours between non-direct client services and horticulture services may be adjusted. Documentation of hours is explained more thoroughly in Section III.C. F. Professional ConductAs a contributing member of the organization, interns will be expected to assume the role of a professional. The intern will have specific responsibilities to the clients, the facility and the department. Interns will be directly responsible to the supervisor. Information, difficulties or questions relating to clients, staff, and/or performance should be directed to the supervisor. Interns are expected to adhere to the AHTA Code of Ethics. Interns are expected to comply with the current Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act (HIPAA) provisions. HIPAA policy and information should be available through the internship facility. G. Supervision of InternshipStudents electing to undertake an internship after completing 6-semester credits are required to be directly supervised on-site by an HTR or HTM. Off-site: If an intern is supervised off-site, the intern must have completed 9-semester credits in horticultural therapy before starting the internship.
Certified/Licensed professionals: Students who are currently certified or licensed in a profession accepted by the American Horticultural Therapy Association may be exempt from the requirement to have an on-site coordinator. The AHTA recommends having an on-site coordinator to support the internship experience with the recognition that not all internship sites offer this opportunity. The intern is required to have an AHTA approved internship supervisor for online supervision. Licensed and certified professions accepted by the American Horticultural Therapy Association. If your license or certification is not listed contact AHTA for consideration.
Other limitations that prevent an intern from securing in-person supervision will be considered on an individual basis. It is expected that the intern and the supervisor meet on a regular basis. The supervision meeting is an opportunity for the intern and supervisor to exchange information, discuss clients, and review horticultural therapy services. The supervisor is responsible for scheduling supervision. It is the intern’s responsibility to document the supervision meeting. Supervision is explained more thoroughly in Section IV. H. Evaluation of InternshipInterns will be evaluated on an ongoing basis. The intern will work with his/her supervisor to complete the initial AHTA Internship Goals and Objectives which will be used in subsequent evaluations. The AHTA Internship Performance Report serves as the tool for evaluating the intern’s performance in the required program content areas and to track progress on the intern’s identified goals. It is recommended that the AHTA Internship Performance Report be completed after 240 hours and must be completed at the end of the 480 hours. All internship performance and projects are to be evaluated using the AHTA Internship Performance Report regardless of the duration of the hours with one or two supervisors. It is the responsibility of the intern to ensure that documentation following these guidelines is complete. It is the intern’s responsibility to turn in the final performance evaluation(s) and the Documentation of Hours with the AHTA Professional Registration Application packet. Evaluations are explained more thoroughly in Section V. I. Termination of InternshipAn intern is expected to conduct his/her self professionally at all times. A supervisor may terminate an intern at will for behaviors deemed unprofessional and/or unethical. In situations where the safety of the intern, or the client, is jeopardized by the intern, or where a situation may result in the unprofessional representation of the site on behalf of the intern, the supervisor has the right to terminate the intern at will. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to make all attempts to resolve the situation. Situations requiring the action of termination should be thoroughly documented by both the intern and the supervisor. An intern may resign from his/her internship at any time. The intern should notify the supervisor in writing with the effective date of resignation. J. AHTA RegistrationIt is the intern’s responsibility to complete all internship requirements set forth by AHTA. It is the intern’s responsibility to submit all documentation and forms identified in the AHTA Professional Registration Policies and Procedures. have a look at the AHTA Professional Registration Requirements and Process for complete information about professional registration and a registration application. III. ProceduresA. Program Content
B. ProjectsInterns will be required to complete two projects and a case study during the course of the 480 hour internship.
C. Documentation
IV. Supervisor ResponsibilitiesThe internship supervisor is responsible for providing the intern with the opportunity to meet the goals and requirements of internship. The internship supervisor is an integral part of the horticultural therapy internship serving as a mentor, educator, and role-model to facilitate the personal and professional growth of the intern. All supervisors are expected to adhere to the AHTA Code of Ethics. A. Clinical ResponsibilitiesIt is a supervisor’s role to teach, model, and demonstrate professional clinical and safety skills to an intern in the context of delivering horticultural therapy services. A supervisor is responsible for assisting an intern to develop counseling and communication skills to work effectively with the clients. Specific counseling skills such as empathy, active listening, summarization, and positive regard are all suggested counseling skills for an intern to develop. It is the supervisor’s role to recognize strengths and weaknesses of the intern and to develop appropriate goals and objectives to foster future professional competency. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to identify the intern’s caseload. The supervisor is expected to assist the intern in developing the appropriate skills to perform task analysis, develop treatment plans, and deliver horticultural therapy services designed to meet the specific client treatment goals. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that treatment goals are appropriate to the client served. The supervisor should demonstrate skills in adapting horticultural activities to meet the specific needs of the client served. The supervisor should discuss aspects of disability and the process of identifying appropriate adaptations. It is the supervisor’s role to maintain professional boundaries with the intern at all times. The supervisor is expected to provide constructive feedback when necessary and demonstrate appropriate therapeutic boundaries when working with clients. Termination of an InternSupervisors are responsible for anticipating serious problems affecting an intern’s ability to function in the capacity as an intern and to deliver horticultural therapy services. If the supervisor recognizes areas of concern, the supervisor must promptly communicate with the intern and make all efforts to solve the situation with the intern. In situations where a supervisor feels that an intern is acting in an unprofessional or unethical manner, it is the responsibility of the supervisor to discuss this with the intern and make all attempts to resolve the situation. The supervisor has the right to terminate the intern at will. In the event the supervisor is off-site, the supervisor should communicate with the identified contact person at the internship site to discuss possible solutions to the situation. The off-site or online supervisor has the right to refuse completion of the internship and recommend termination of the intern to the site. All situations requiring the action of termination should be thoroughly documented. B. Professional ResponsibilitiesThe supervisor is responsible for introducing the intern to the facility and its structure. The supervisor should provide the intern with the opportunity to attend orientation, review general safety procedures, review client confidentiality requirements, and orient the intern to the policies and procedures of the facility. The supervisor is responsible for providing the intern opportunities to learn about the horticultural components of the program. These may include, but are not limited to, interior plants, outdoor gardening, landscaping, and greenhouse production. If the intern requires, the supervisor must provide opportunities for the intern to learn basic horticultural skills such as propagation and pest management. It is the supervisor’s role to assist the intern in developing the horticulture knowledge and skills to identify appropriate plant selection for safe horticultural therapy programming. The supervisor should introduce the intern to resources for adaptive tools and equipment. The supervisor is responsible for providing all materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to conduct horticultural therapy activities. The supervisor must allow time in the intern’s schedule to prepare for, conduct, and cleanup work areas. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to work with the intern to identify a short-term project and a long-term project. In addition, the supervisor is expected to work with the intern to complete the required case study. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the intern is familiar with the AHTA, its professional registration process, and professional training opportunities. C. Conducting SupervisionSupervision must be documented. It is the responsibility of the intern to document the meeting and record the hours. The supervisor should record the supervision hours to verify the intern’s record of hours.
Video is not accepted in lieu of the required written case study, long-term, and/or short-term projects. Client confidentiality must be ensured through the use of secure software. It is the responsibility of the intern to coordinate confidential transmission of all documents. D. Off-site SupervisionThe off-site supervisor is expected to provide supervision through one of the above stated methods of communication. The off-site supervisor should provide supervision every 40 hours or, at a minimum, once a month. It is the responsibility of the intern to document the meeting and record the hours. The off-site supervisor should record the supervision hours to verify the intern’s record of hours. The off-site supervisor is required to provide a minimum of three on-site visits to observe the intern: an initial visitation/evaluation, at the midpoint of the internship after 240 hours have been completed, and a final site visit. Visitations must be documented and a copy provided to the intern. When possible, the off-site supervisor is expected to perform all stated duties and responsibilities of an on-site supervisor. The off-site supervisor is encouraged to communicate with the contact person at the internship site to facilitate the intern’s learning experience and to coordinate the delivery of horticultural therapy services necessary to achieve the stated goals and objectives of the internship. E. Online SupervisionIn-person supervision is preferred. In cases where in-person supervision is not available, AHTA will consider online supervision to meet the requirements for supervision by a professionally registered horticultural therapist with the American Horticultural Therapy Association. Internships supervised by an online supervisor must be preapproved by AHTA. The application process is outlined in Section II.C. The online supervisor is required to complete the application with the student and request verification from the student of AHTA approval before beginning supervision with the intern. Intern eligibility requirements are identified in Section II.F. It is the Online Supervisor’s responsibility to ensure the student meets the academic requirements as required by AHTA. The online supervisor is expected to provide supervision through one of the above stated methods of communication. The supervisor should provide supervision every 40 hours or, at a minimum, once a month. It is the responsibility of the intern to document the meeting and record the hours. The supervisor should record the supervision hours to verify the intern’s record of hours. When possible, the online supervisor is expected to perform all stated duties and responsibilities of an on-site supervisor. The online supervisor is required to communicate with the contact person at the internship site to facilitate the intern’s learning experience and to coordinate the delivery of horticultural therapy services necessary to achieve the stated goals and objectives of the internship. The online supervisor is required to coordinate the internship evaluation with the approved on-site supervisor. V. Internship EvaluationA. Evaluation, Forms, and ScheduleThe AHTA Internship Goals and Objectives serves as the tool to establish the base-line performance level of the intern and to identify specific areas to address. This form should be completed with the intern at the beginning of the internship. Recognizing the various education, skills, and experience that interns bring to his/her internship, an intern may or may not need to focus on each area identified in the program content. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to work collaboratively with the intern to identify and develop the goals and objectives along with the expected timeline for completion. The AHTA Internship Performance Report serves as a tool for evaluating the intern’s performance in program content areas, projects, and to progress on his/her identified goals. It is suggested to complete the Internship Performance Report after 240 hours and must be completed at the end of the 480 hours. It is recommended that both the supervisor and intern complete the first performance report separately after 240 hours have been completed. This gives the intern the opportunity to self-evaluate and to focus on accomplishments to date. The supervisor and the intern should then discuss any differences which appear in the rating. At the conclusion of the internship program, the intern and the supervisor will meet to evaluate the internship experience and complete the final performance evaluation. This meeting is an opportunity to evaluate the intern’s performance as well as the success of the internship program. Final evaluations must be fully documented and state the following; the number of internship hours served, goals successfully mastered, areas for improvement, and overall student assessment. If an intern is completing an academic internship, the student/intern and horticultural therapy internship supervisor should coordinate with the academic internship coordinator/instructor to evaluate the student using the appropriate grading scale. In the event the student is not completing an academic internship, the supervisor will evaluate whether the intern has mastered or not mastered the internship requirements. Internships with online supervision | The approved on-site coordinator serves as the liaison between the intern and the AHTA internship supervisor. The Online supervisor must complete the internship performance report with input from the approved on-site coordinator. VI. AHTA Documents and Forms |