Concurrent Sessions 5 | October 19, 2024 | 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Concurrent Session 5A | Creating A Community Healing Space, Education, and Nature-based Laboratory in the Horticultural Therapy Garden, NCHU, Taiwan
Horticultural Therapy Garden, NCHU provides an inclusive space for therapeutic, education, and research. We will share some inspirations from the garden such as community education and research outcomes. This includes the gardening methods that have been developed for elderly’s health problems e.g. Sarcopenia and Alzheimer.
Dr. Chen-Fa Wu
Dr. Chen-Fa Wu is a professor in the Department of Horticulture at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taiwan. One of his key research areas is horticultural therapy. In 2022, he established the Horticultural Therapy Garden at NCHU. This initiative led to prestigious recognition for him and his team by receiving the 11th Taiwan Landscape Award in 2024. His dedication and international experiences uniquely position him to make significant contributions to this emerging field in Taiwan.
Edwin Nata
Edwinnata is studying in the International Master Program of Agriculture at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) in Taiwan. He has contributed his expertise to the Belitong UNESCO Global Geopark Management Agency in Indonesia for several years. In 2022-2023, he was awarded a prestigious scholarship from the U.S. Department of State's Community College Initiative Program, allowing him to study horticulture at Valencia College in Florida. With a background in horticultural studies and activities across Indonesia, USA, and Taiwan, he has developed a deep passion for this field. This experience broadened his knowledge and skills, particularly in gardening and climate change education. Currently, Edwinnata is exploring his interests in these areas, with a vision to advance horticultural therapy in Indonesia.
Phasakorn Fungfoo
Phasakorn Fungfoo is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Horticulture at National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan, focusing his research on horticultural therapy. He has experience as a horticultural therapist's assistant. Additionally, he is a lecturer in the Department of Horticulture at Kasetsart University in Thailand, where he teaches landscape design and horticultural therapy. After graduating, he aims to become one of the leading horticultural therapy specialists in Thailand.
Concurrent Session 5B | For Practitioners: Research You Will Really Reference
Writing a grant request? Expanding your services & need to convince administrators? Working with a new population? Let this session/presenter guide you through mountains of research, condensing it to need to know essentials for grant writing, elevator speeches & programming with specific populations with a focus on finding research in three key areas: HT, therapeutic gardens & nature-based interventions.
Lesley L. Fleming, HTR
Lesley Fleming, MA, HTR has led the Florida Horticulture for Health Network in establishing an online free Resource Hub with more than 4,000 research citations across eight categories including horticultural therapy, landscapes for health and population specific plant programming. She has been published in the Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture ten times, is a peer reviewer for this journal, and publishes two quarterly e-pubs for the Florida and the Nova Scotia Horticulture for Health Networks she leads.
Concurrent Session 5C | Planting Seeds of Freedom - A Sensory Journey Through the 12 Steps
How do the 12 Steps originally from Alcoholics Anonymous fit into HT/TH? This session will include a demonstration and discussion of sensory activities connected to each of the steps.
Jeanne M. Schultz
A life-long nature lover and gardener passionate about encouraging others to experience the therapeutic benefits of the outdoors. My previous life as a middle school teacher and current work as an addiction and mental health peer support coach have provided me with opportunities to create and cultivate horticultural therapy group activities aligned with the Twelve Steps of Recovery. I'm thrilled to have the privilege to share my experience, strength and hope with others. My perfectionism streak runs deep and has driven me to complete a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Science, a Master's Degree in Education and certificate programs in Peer Support Recovery and Horticultural Therapy.