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AHTA November Webinar
Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM PST
Category: AHTA Events

2024 AHTA Webinars November

Nearby Nature and Human Health: Evidence of Wellness Support and Therapy
Thousands of research studies, conducted across more than four decades, confirm that everyday experiences of nature support human health and well-being. Horticulture therapists have been at the forefront of translating the evidence to practical applications for patient and client treatments. The expanding understanding of nature and health can elevate both the role of horticulture therapists and the range of best practices that they bring to professional situations and care. Dr. Kathleen Wolf will provide an overview of research findings that confirm the profound importance of nature integration in health care and therapy. She'll reflect on how nearby nature experiences might further engage people to support individual and community health.

Dr. Kathleen Wolf (University of Washington, Seattle USA ) has built a multi-decade research program about human dimensions of urban forestry. Studies and publications are aimed at building better knowledge of the social and psychological benefits that city trees and nearby nature provide, and sharing that across non-traditional audiences, including business, public health, medicine, and urban planning. Recent work has included One Health collaborations about the intersection of biodiversity and human health. Kathy has collaborated with international partners, and presented her research at conferences on all continents except Antarctica (maybe one day?). Nature and Health research is summarized at Green Cities: Good Health: http://depts.washington.edu/hhwb




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